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MECys ECDIS PM3D2 CBT - пройти онлайн

Подробный обучающий курс MECys ECDIS PM3D2 CBT разработан корейской компанией MECys. Данный экдис PM3D2 очень популярен среди Корейских и Китайских судовладельцев. Вам как штурману необходимо ознакомиться с обучающим материалом, а так же ответить на 255, да да — 255 вопросов, но обо всем по порядку.

MECys ECDIS PM3D2 CBT ответы

Курс содержит 380 теоретических и практических заданий, которые разделены на 10 глав:

  • Lesson 1 Getting Started
  • Lesson 2 PM3D interface
  • Lesson 3 Chart menu
  • Lesson 4 Lines of position; marks
  • Lesson 5 Ship corrections
  • Lesson 6 Target settings; AIS; messages
  • Lesson 7 Alarms
  • Lesson 8 Route planning
  • Lesson 9 Route monitoring
  • Lesson 10 Logbook and tracking
В конце каждой главы вам необходимо пройти MECys ECDIS тест:
  • Lesson 1 — 9 вопросов
  • Lesson 2 — 15 вопросов
  • Lesson 3 — 25 вопросов
  • Lesson 4 — 26 вопросов
  • Lesson 5 — 23 вопроса
  • Lesson 6 — 29 вопросов
  • Lesson 7 — 23 вопроса
  • Lesson 8 — 36 вопросов
  • Lesson 9 — 28 вопросов
  • Lesson 10 — 41 вопрос

MECys ECDIS test ответы искать бесполезно — их попросту нет, однако при прохождении тестов вы неограниченны в попытках, но есть маленький каверзный нюанс! В случае если вы провалите тест на одном из «Lesson» вам придется начинать проходить тест сначала, т.е. с Lesson 1! 

MECys ECDIS PM3D2 CBT answers

Минимальный результат для успешного прохождения каждого раздела составляет 80%. 

По окончанию теста вам необходимо скачать с каждого раздела по 1-му PDF файлу, в которых будет содержаться список вопросов и их оценки.

Файлы должны быть сохранены в формате:

ECDIS_Name_Birth_Company(chapter No.).pdf итого 10 файлов.

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Почему именно мы?

  • Реагируем на ваше обращение в течение 1 минуты!
  • Консультируем на всех этапах работы!
  • Берем на себя все риски и сложности при прохождении теста ПОД КЛЮЧ!
  • Гарантируем 100% результат!

Взгляните на результат нашей работы:

  • Fill in the gaps.
  • What is ENC?
  • What is RNC?
  • Which of these two charts is a vector chart?
  • Check all mandatory sensors.
  • Is the following assumption true or false?
  • Add the marker to the Main menu panel.
  • What is not included in the main menu of ECDIS?
  • Add the marker to the Shortcut menu panel.
  • Add the marker to the Scale panel.
  • Add the marker to the Position of the cursor panel.
  • Add the marker to the Tooltip.
  • Fill in the gaps by dragging the answers to the correct place.
  • The cursor can be used to explore the charts in PM3D. The cursor can be controlled by a mouse, a trackball, or by pressing the arrow keys on the keyboard. There are four cursor modes. Which of the following is not a cursor mode?
  • You need to explore the chart. Which cursor mode do you need to activate?
  • You need to get information about another vessel. Which cursor mode do you need to activate?
  • What does the ERBL window show when it's activated once?
  • You want to increase the font size on the ECDIS interface. Which menu allows you to do this?
  • Your current layout configuration is shown in this screenshot below. You need to move the scale panel to the top right-hand corner of the screen. Mark on the screenshot where you need to click.
  • The main menu panel is located at the top of the screen. Which button would you press to hide, or show, the menu bar?
  • Which publication includes appendices describing the means and processes for updates, the system's color and symbol specifications, and a glossary of ECDIS-related terms?
  • Which publication includes a description of the HO recommended ENC security scheme?
  • Vector charts are in 6 categories depending on scale. In PM3D every chart with a different parameter has an outline according to chart scale boundaries. Which of these is not included in the 6 categories?
  • Add a marker to your ship.
  • You want to locate your ship in the center of the screen. Mark on the screenshot where you need to click.
  • You want to rotate the chart so the ship's heading would be pointed upwards. Mark on the screenshot where you need to click.
  • It's nighttime. You should change the color palette to decrease the brightness of the screen. Where do you click?
  • Where should you click to enable Autoscale?
  • What does Autoscale do?
  • Match the profile mode names to what they show on the chart.
  • The next question requires you to put markers at the chart consistently and submit them. You have three attempts at each stage.
  • You need to find a chart by its number. Put the marker at the button that allows you to do it.
  • Oops, something happened when you found the chart! What will you do to fix it?
  • The next question requires to put markers consistently and submit them. You have three attempts on each step.
  • Which checkbox turns on full length light sector lights which come from lighthouses and LNBs?
  • Which checkbox activates the markings that are used to show especially dangerous shallow waters?
  • Match numbers and contours.
  • Match contours and their descriptions.
  • Place the marker on the place you should click if you want to see the history of launches, closures and updates to PM3D.
  • What is the Mark file?
  • What status should the "open" menu be in the mark file so that marks in the file are displayed on the chart?
  • Which of the following is a mark that can't be drawn?
  • Match the pictures of a mark and their type.
  • How do you draw Lines of Position in PM3D? Choose the correct statement.
  • How would you measure the bearings of distant objects to draw LOPs? Choose the correct statement.
  • You've measured bearings using Gyro. Where should you click to save this information?
  • You've successfully built 2 LOPs. According to these, where should your vessel be?
  • Let's assume that you have used the "3 bearings" function and built 3 LOPs. According to these, where should your vessel be?
  • You need to put your ship in the calculated position. Where would you click to do this?
  • You also want to put a mark on that spot. Where would you click to do this?
  • Match the "Correction" menu options with their descriptions.
  • What does the "Secondary DR" checkbox do? Choose the correct statement:
  • You've moved Point of Ship to Point A. What will happen when you click OS CEN?
  • Vector arc can help the user to avoid any dangerous zones. The angle is determined by the value that you input in the Vector arc textbox. How many degrees can the user set?
  • This function determines whether there is a thin dotted line from the back of the ship in the opposite direction from which you are heading. What is this function called?
  • In setting range rings and parallel index lines, the user can input the range not only in meters, but also in nautical miles or yards. Which button would you click to do it?
  • When setting the vector time mark, what time can't be selected?
  • Here's the movement vector. How long is it in minutes?
  • How long will it take to cross the 440119540's course?
  • Complete the sentences with missing phrases.
  • If the user clicks the "Center offscreen" checkbox, the screen will automatically be centered a certain length of time after the ship moves off the screen. What is this time interval?
  • You've turned on the range rings using parameters that you can see on the picture.
  • Now let's measure the distance using parallel lines.
  • Here's a chart with AlS targets on it. Put markers on every AIS target that you see here.
  • The type of label on this AlS target can be changed into 3 types: name, call sign, and MMSI. What does MMSI stand for?
  • Match the vessel's label with its definition.
  • The user has an opportunity to enter their own label on any target. Which button in the target info window should you click to do this?
  • This option allows you to see AlS targets in actual size. When the checkbox is activated, zoom in to see it.
  • What is the purpose of the "Wait for lost" function? Choose the correct statement:
  • What is shown within the Activation zone? Choose the correct statement:
  • What is shown within the Sleeping zone? Choose the correct statement:
  • What is the difference between the Small radius and the Big radius? Choose the correct statement:
  • Where would you click to enter the messaging window without finding the target?
  • Here's the messaging menu. Where would you click to view the message history?
  • When was message #2 sent?
  • Was message #2 incoming or outgoing?
  • What was your ship's speed when the message was transmitted?
  • Where would you click to load the message history from a different day? Put in a marker.
  • You need to find the vessel using the "Find" window. Which label do you need to know to do this?
  • You need to sort the vessels in the table by their MMSI.
  • Where would you click to sort them in the opposite direction?
  • How long will it take our vessel to get to PILOT2?
  • According to this image, which of these alarms are currently triggered?
  • Where should you click to only see the triggered alarms?
  • Where should you click to see the Lost targets alarm status window?
  • Match alarms and their descriptions.
  • Which area is not included in the "Areas with a special condition"?
  • You also need to drop a stern anchor. Where would you click to do this?
  • Where should you click to raise the anchors?
  • What should be entered in the "Range" box in the anchor alarm?
  • If you don't have time to drop the anchor on the chart with "ON" button, which option from the anchor menu can be used to do this later?
  • What is the Guard zone?
  • What color is the target symbol of a vessel that enters the Guard zone?
  • The user can choose sounds for each alarm in exactly the same way. Every alarm's submenu has a sound select option. Which button should you use to select the sound option for the following?
  • Choose one of the alarms that can only be activated or deactivated in expert mode.
  • Can ECDIS perform checks for connected sensors on itself? Choose the correct statement.
  • Fill in the gaps with the terms.
  • Match pictures with the things that they represent.
  • Decode the following acronyms.
  • Match the type of navigation with the most applicable situations.
  • When you use graphic editing for route planning, which button would you click to highlight dangerous areas near the route?
  • Where would you click to open the text editor? Add the marker.
  • Where would you click to enter a new estimated speed to reach Waypoint 2? Add the marker.
  • Where would you click to inverse the route? Add the marker.
  • Where would you click to change rate of turn of Waypoint 2? Add the marker.
  • Where would you click to turn the distance between waypoints 1 and 2 into a rhumb line?
  • Where would you click to select waypoints 2 and 3?
  • When you change the rate of turn, which parameters might also change?
  • Match the save and rescue routes with their names.
  • Before you start navigating along the route, it is recommended that you view the simulation. To do this, the GPS sensor must first be disabled. What is the GPS sensor?
  • Where would you click to place the route's starting point to your ship? Add the marker.
  • Where would you click to save this route? Add the marker.
  • What is the name of the folder where your exported route will be saved?
  • Match parts of the route information panel with their description.
  • What's ETA SPD? Choose the correct statement.
  • What's DTG? Choose the correct statement.
  • What's CRS? Choose the correct statement.
  • What's BTW? Choose the correct statement.
  • Define these terms:
  • Where would you click to specify the estimated speed for calculating the fixed ETA?
  • You need to set ECDIS to determine the next waypoint automatically. Where would you click? Add the marker.
  • You need to sail the part of the route, which ends at Waypoint 3. Where would you enter this data? Add the marker.
  • What's an alternative route?
  • Where should you click to switch to an alternative route? Add the marker.
  • Which of these routes is the main route and which is the alternative?
  • What does the "Time tag" checkbox do? Choose the correct statement.
  • The "Route line" could have one of these two styles:
  • The "Leg's speed" could have one of these two parameters:
  • Which features do not appear in the logbook?
  • Where would you click to view information about event No. 14? Add the marker.
  • What was the direction of your ship when event No. 14 occurred? Write the value in degrees.
  • When loading the track from previous PM3D sessions, what color will track dates in the calendar be?
  • What is the "Rate(s)" option in the menu? Choose the correct statement:
  • Which button would you click to connect dots along the route?
  • You need to convert track to route. Where would you click to do this?
  • During navigation you've found a good track that you'd like to save and use later as the primary route. After clicking "To route", you'll see the converted tracks listed by name in the list of routes. In what format is the name stored?
  • The "Continue track" settings value is "14". What does this mean? Choose the correct statement.
  • What symbol is near the Caution-type Mariner's Note?
  • Add markers to all Mariner's notes that you see on the chart.
  • Where would you click in a Man Over Board situation?